To set up your profile, you need to first connect your wallet to Featured.
For more information on setting up your wallet, please visit this other guide.
Once done, go to the top right corner of the web page and click on [Profile] as shown below.
When you are at your profile page, proceed and click on the edit icon as shown below.
The profile form will be displayed. You are recommended to upload your profile image, create a unique username, write your descriptions and add your social media handles so that other creators or collectors can contact you easily.
The [Save] button will only be activated after you have finished updating the Username.
Once done, click [Save] and your crypto wallet will be popped-up with a "Signature Request". The profile screen will appear to be waiting until necessary actions in your crypto wallet is completed.
If your crypto wallet is installed on another device (eg. if you are connecting with Trust Wallet on your mobile phone), please pick up that device to sign the action in your crypto wallet. Below is an example screen eg. MetaMask. (Please note this step is required in most actions on our platform such as Mint/Buy/Sell NFT and Create/Edit Profile or Collection)
After signing on your crypto wallet, your profile setup is completed! You can repeat the same step to edit your profile anytime.